ARFF - Aircraft Rescue Firefighting
Metro Fire has been providing continuous Aircraft Rescue Firefighting (ARFF) services to the McClellan Airport and the United States Coast Guard by contractual agreement since April 1st of 2001.
Located directly adjacent to the flightline, Fire Station 114 houses seven full-time crew members per shift who are dedicated to fulfilling the mission of airfield fire suppression and rescue.
Two front-line ARFF response vehicles (AF1 and AF2), each staffed with a Captain, Engineer, and a Firefighter, are available to delivery around-the-clock protection to the Air Operations Area (AOA) under the direction of the on-duty Battalion Chief.
Based upon the nature and scope of an aircraft emergency, supplemental personal and equipment from the vast pool of fire, medical, and other resources within the District and from allied agencies can be called upon to assist with the management of an incident.