About Us

The Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District, "Metro Fire," serves a population of over720,000 in a 359 square mile service area. Metro Fire is the 7th largest fire agency in the State of California.
Metro Fire is a combination of 16 smaller fire departments that, over the years, merged to create this California Special District. The last merger was in December 2000 when American River Fire Department and Sacramento County Fire Protection District merged to form the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District, pursuant to Government Code Section 56839. As a special district, Metro Fire is governed by a Board of Directors; each member is elected by the voters within a geographical area, or division, of Metro Fire's operational area.

On any given day, there are 155 on-duty personnel to serve the District's communities. Routine and emergency operations are managed with five (5) Battalion Chiefs with oversight through an Assistant Chief assigned a 24-hour shift. Metro Fire is comprised of three branches - Operations, Administration, and Support Services.
Operations includes Fire & Rescue, Emergency Medical, Training & Safety, Special Operations, Homeland Security, Fire Investigation, and Health & Wellness Divisions.
The Administration Branch consists of Economic Development, Finance, Human Resources, and Community Risk Reduction
Support Services oversees Facilities, Fleet Maintenance, Logistics Divisions and Information Technology Divisions.